Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Spring 2009 Field Excursion to the Grand Staircase National Monument

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Day 2—I thought I would find diamonds!
We started the day like the reptiles do—slowly and sleepily—trying to get warmed up and fed. Once our blood was warmed and the sun gave us its’ brilliant rays that shined majestically into the Wahweap formation, we packed up the gear (poor Jake) and headed out to the field site.
We hiked into nowhere and it seemed to me for a time that Allen was just pulling our leg, for it appeared that we were going out to the middle of nowhere (which we were). Along the way we had fun looking for fossils. We were definatly in what was once marine. Our first stop was at the Hadrosaur (aka the cow of the Cretaceous). The two fossil sights that we saw are both Hadrosaurs; in fact, both sites might be just one Hadrosaur. A theory about how it got so scattered is that it might have been drug by a predator after it was killed. Also, this Hadrosaur might have been a bloat-and-float because it was found in a mud layer around aqueous organic matter. The layer in the Wahweap where it was found is estimated to be around 81 million years old. This could mean that this is a new species of Hadrosaur.
The next sight that we looked at was an imprint of a palm leaf. It looks surprisingly well preserved.
We were going to carry it out, but it was too big as you can see in the picture. We walked along the edge of the mountain and found fossils poking out, including a turtle; it looked really cool sticking out there.
We returned back to the second dig sight—the one with the tibia—where we went to work looking for more bones to the Hadrosaur. We did not find any; in fact, we almost lost one. After we lost one I thought that Allen would have kicked us all off his dig sight, but he was really cool about it; plus we found it again. We took turns digging and taking down the rocks to the base of the mountain. One time we thought that we found one, but then Allen determined that it was something else. The dig was not fruitless because we found a lot of plants. (Such as the ones shown.) It was very cool how we kept on finding these brilliant plants within the layers of prehistoric mud. Not to mention a very friendly lizard.
After we found no bones we decided to get the Tibia back to the camp. To do this we used burlap sacks and plaster of Paris to encase the bone in a sort of cast. We put one more layer on the top and then we did the bottom.
After we, somewhat
carefully, carried the bone back to the truck using a tarp and rotation method; we packed up and got ready to head back. Meanwhile, the other group was searching for bones to a new type of Tyrannosaur. They found a jaw bone to the Tyrannosaur and many other bones; they too carried back a bone.
After we got back from all of the excitement, we went to a Mexican restaurant ate to the end of a full day of paleontology.